Tuesday 5 October 2010


     I found pin hole photography very interesting. It helped us to understand the development of photography from the beginning to modern photography such as digital photography. I found the process of making the camera helpful too as it gave us an insight into how a camera works inside although they are very very basic examples. We also got to use the dark room for the first time which was also interesting, I found it a little different to what you see in films and on television, it was a lot darker than I thought, although its called a dark room I didn’t imagine it would be pitch black, it took our eyes a while to adjust to the darkness. With my camera I found it gave me some good results once I had found the correct exposure time. The photo I’ve labelled as bikes was my favourite as it’s come out clear and you can tell quite clearly what the photo is of.
     Overall I found the pin hole process helpful in the understanding of basic photography as it shows photography in a very simple home made form and making the camera ourselves really helped me to understand how cameras work.

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